More than two decades ago, the field of bioinformatics arose as a means of advancing biological research. Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary branch of research that includes biology, mathematics, and computer science. It has become a smoothing biological science equipment that saves as much information as possible. Every day, high throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies make massive amounts of biological data available to scientists. Such important discoveries are currently being evaluated using bioinformatics and algorithmic methodologies. Bioinformatics, on the other hand, can be used to extract, mine, interpret, and sort material with cross-linking references that are accessible to help understand biological intricacies in this vast natural library and provide fresh insight. Over the last few decades, genomics and bioinformatics have been crucial in gaining a better understanding of heritable abnormalities that cause human infertility. More recently, genome biological techniques have been used in reproductive biology to obtain insight into the molecular processes underlying normal and abnormal gametogenesis and gamete function.
Title : Application of thread technology in aesthetic and functional gynecology
Marlen Sulamanidze, Total Charm Clinic, Georgia
Title : Inositol in treating sub fertile women and Adolescents with PCOS
Lalit Bora, Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India, India
Title : Impact of matrix metalloproteinase [MMP]-2 (2735C>T) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase [TIMP]-2 (2418G>C) gene polymorphisms with human papillomavirus-mediated cervical cancer: Emerging trends in Gynecologic Oncology
Saumya Pandey, Indira-IVF Hospital, India
Title : A case report on the effectiveness of lifestyle modification in the treatment of infertility in a 43-year-old woman with amh: 0.8 with a history of two negative transfers, once with her own embryo and once with a donated egg
Mansoreh Eshghparast, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Title : Recognizing and supporting survivors: The role of Gynecologists in addressing the physical and emotional impact of sexual assault
Carrie Eutizi, Arizona Coalition to End Sexual & Domestic Violence, United States
Title : Exercise Intervention for women following chemotherapy for ovarian cancer
Deirdre Mc Grath, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom