Prof. Dr. Nicoletta Di Simone has done her Degree in Medicine, Catholic University of Rome (UCSC), Rome, Italy. Specialty Degree in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Catholic University of Rome (UCSC), Rome, Italy. PhD Degree in Obstetric and Gynaecologic Sciences, La Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy. Started her career Research Fellow, National Center for Infertility Research del Massachusetts General Hospital-Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. Visiting Research Fellow, Prenatal Medicine Research Unit, Universitats Frauenklinik, Kantosspital, Basel, Switzerland. Senior Research Fellow, Catholic University of Rome (UCSC), Rome, Italy. Associated Professor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Catholic University of Rome (UCSC), Rome, Italy. Full Professor, Obstetrics ang Gynecology, Humanitas University, Milan. She have Impact Factor calculated on “Journal Citation Report” 2019: 399,99 H. Index from Scopus: 31.
Title : Male factors in recurrent pregnancy loss
Title : Microbiota and pregnancy