HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Orlando, Florida, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

3rd Edition of Global Conference on Gynecology & Women's Health

October 27-29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA

Gynec 2024

Role of biofeedback pelvic floor training in elderly patients with obstructed defecation

Speaker at Gynecology Conferences - Mervat Sheta
Alexandria University, Egypt
Title : Role of biofeedback pelvic floor training in elderly patients with obstructed defecation


Pelvic floor rehabilitation is essential to manage elderly patients with obstructed defecation. Program of biofeedback will be discussed with prerequisite, indication, and mechanism of biofeedback in these patients with usage of other physical modalities to improve emptying of large amounts of stool without effort. Examples of patients from Alexandria University before and after rehabilitation will be discussed.


Dr. Mervat Sheta studied medicine at Alexandria University (1998 -2003). She graduated with excellent grades and honors in 2003 in internal medicine and surgery. She received a master's grade in physical medicine in 2008 at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation to work as an assistant lecturer at the same department to be promoted to lecturer in 2016 after receiving a Ph.D. in the same department at Faculty of Medicine Alexandria University, Egypt.  Her fine specialty is pelvic floor rehabilitation as topic of her Thesis in PhD and published many articles on pelvic floor rehabilitation.
