HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Orlando, Florida, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

3rd Edition of Global Conference on Gynecology & Women's Health

October 27-29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA

Gynec 2023

Should we propose IVF to women of 42 years old?

Speaker at Womens Health Conference - Mehdi Kehila
Eve Fertility Center, Tunisia
Title : Should we propose IVF to women of 42 years old?


It’s already known that the success of IVF is closely linked to the age of the woman. There is a low chance of success after 40 years and chances become extremely low at 42 years.
We discuss on the basis of literature and the statistics of our IVF Center the indication of IVF for women of 42 years and more.
Results: We noted in our data a very important decline in IVF results between women of 41 years and those of 42 years old. In unselected patients, especially in low reserve patients, the results of IVF in women of 42 years and more is extremely low (Clinical Pregnancy Rate: 5% , Live Birth Rate 1%).
We explain based on the euploidie rate of embryos the causes of these results in this age range. In these patients, surgery, medical treatments and natural conception gives probably more chance of conception than one IVF attempt.
We try also in this presentation to define a group of patients of 42 years or old with a better prognosis.  
Conclusion: When patients consult at age of 41 years with an IVF indication, better realise IVF immediately. In patients of 42 years old or more specially with low ovarian reserve the results of IVF are insignificant. Chances must be well explained to these patients and natural conception should be tried in association with medical treatment or surgery. In a selected group of patients with normal ovarian reserve, IVF can be proposed with low but acceptable expected results.

Audience Take Away:

  • The audience will be more critic about IVF indication in patients of 42 years and more and will able to Explain to the patients the expected results and the causes of these results in this age group.
  • The audience will be able to avoid in certain patient heavy treatments with insignificant results.
  • This presentation will help audience to counsel these patients for the best treatment options depending on their ovarian reserve and will help audience to select for IVF patients of this age range with an acceptable chance of success.
  • This presentation will also encourage other centers to make the same statistics and try to confirm these findings.


Pr Mehdi Kehila, Obstetrician and Gynecologist, specialized in fertility treatments, Ex Professor at La Rabta Teaching Hospital of Tunis, University Tunis El Manar Tunisia. Actually, working at EVE Private Fertility Center, Sousse, Tunisia. Obtained a post of Associated professor in C department of gynecology and obstetrics, La Rabta, Tunis, in 2012 and received the professor degree in 2016. Pr Kehila Mehdi is working in the private sector since 2020 especially in the infertility field in Eve Fertility Center, Sousse, Tunisia.  He has published more than 30 research articles in SCI(E) journals.
