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October 27-29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA

Gynec 2023

Satisfaction of pregnant women with antenatal care services at Omdurman maternity and Bashair Hospitals, Khartoum state, 2022

Speaker at #GynecologyConferences #WomensHealthConferences #GynecologyConference#ObstetricsConferences #GynecologyEvents #WomenHealthMeetings - Daffalla Alam Elhuda
University of Health Sciences, Sudan
Title : Satisfaction of pregnant women with antenatal care services at Omdurman maternity and Bashair Hospitals, Khartoum state, 2022


Introduction: Satisfaction about health care services is used as an indicator to measure the quality of care (8-12); which reflect some factors related to compliance, effectiveness, and continuity of care. An increase in patient satisfaction with certain health institutions will attract the patient to come back to receive care the next time and to recommend this institution to others (10). The utilization of ANC services by pregnant women is affected by the quality of care and hence their satisfaction with the services they receive at the health care facility (8). This study aimed to study the satisfaction of pregnant women with antenatal care services at Omdurman Professor.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional hospital[1]based study was conducted among 241 women at Omdurman maternity and Bashair hospitals. The respondents were selected using convenience sampling technique because it was not possible to take control and to select them from the waiting list by using another method because the clients were moving and not available all the time at the same place. An interviewer-administered pretested structured questionnaire with closed[1]ended questions was used.
Results: The study findings revealed that the overall level of pregnant women’s satisfaction with the quality of antenatal care services at Omdurman maternity and Bashair hospitals was high (82.6%). 1 Pregnant women were least satisfied with lab services (89.2%), followed by waiting time (85.1%), and privacy in consultation rooms (77.6%). About three-quarters of respondents were satisfied with the cleanliness.
Conclusion: Satisfaction of pregnant ladies with ANC at Omdurman maternity and Bashair hospitals was relatively high. It was found that the physical environment, the performance of the provider, and waiting time were significantly associated with satisfaction with ANC. Although about three[1]quarters of respondents were satisfied with the general environmental cleanliness, many of them were complaining about toilets’ hygiene.
