This Workshop will present the factors that often lead to Stress in the Workplace. Variable stressors increase the demand on the human body and may lead to physical and emotional ailments that potentially lead to a loss of purpose in one’s life. The presentation is geared towards a reinvigoration of career choices and healthy patterns in the navigation of life choices. Utilizing mindfulness techniques offers a unique approach to self-care and promotes wellness in all domains by engagement in the world surrounding modern healthcare. Emphasis will be placed on the personal experiences by audience participation as time permits.
Donna McCarten White is the former consultant Addiction Specialist for the Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, a Public Health Hospital for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. She is the former Chief Operating Officer and Nurse Executive at Worcester State Hospital. In addition, she was the Director of the DMH and Harvard University Commonwealth Research and Evaluation Unit. In the past she was the Director of Nursing and the Director of Chemical Dependency Services and the Dual Diagnosis Program at Pembroke Psychiatric Hospital.
She has received many awards in the past, recently the Frances Slanger Award from the Boston City Hospital Alumni Association on October 5th, 2018 and the Mentor Award from the Massachusetts Nurses Association at their Convention on October 18, 2019 . The University of Massachusetts Boston awarded her the Beacon of Courage Award in 2020 for her work in the field of Addictive and Substance Use Disorders. She is the statewide Chairperson of the MNA Addictions Council and oversees the Peer Assistant Program for Professionals seeking help in recovery. She is certified by the Green Cross Foundation as an educator and therapist in Compassion Fatigue concerns and is a specialist in Addictive Disorders, Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Traumatization in Healthcare Professionals.