HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Orlando, Florida, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

3rd Edition of Global Conference on Gynecology & Women's Health

October 27-29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2019

A response to the global need for development of clinical nurses knowledge and skills: Implementation of the who pen interventions

Speaker at  - Adele Webb
Capella University, United States
Title : A response to the global need for development of clinical nurses knowledge and skills: Implementation of the who pen interventions


The presentation will describe and present the results of a program for the education of and preparation of bedside nurses as well as nursing faculty as it relates to the WHO guidelines Package of Essential Noncommunicable Disease Interventions for Primary Health Care in Low Resource Settings (PEN). This program is designed to improve health outcomes for the country, increase patient satisfaction, decrease attrition and prepare and support nurses for entrance into an online RN/BSN or MSN program at an accredited university. Working with the Ministers of Health and in-country WHO representatives, this team collaborate with nursing leadership in the countries to complete an assessment of nursing education and practice needs. This assessment includes a review of the nursing curriculum, looking for opportunities to add PEN intervention guideline material as well as to strengthen gaps and further develop entry level content. Once that assessment is completed, the teams travels to the country to complete an assessment of the current health care needs of the population and the current state of nursing education in the country. Surveys of nursing faculty and nursing staff are used to determine gaps and needs from the perspective of those in the field. While in country, the team provides seminars on several topics identified as important by WHO. Specifically, content focuses on the PEN interventions. In order to prepare the nurses for entry into the online programs, another visit to the country is made. The focus of this visit is to walk through an online platform, orient nurses to online education and provide seminars on writing skills, APA guidelines, nursing theory and research, success coaching and application of knowledge. In addition, PEN interventions not addressed in the initial visit, as well as any areas where there was not a significant increase in posttest scores, are presented as seminar topics. Successfully executed in several countries, this presentation will include the significant results of implementation of the program. Join the presenter in a discussion of the Nurse Analyst role vs the Nurse Data Scientist, the educational and training requirements to become a Nurse Data Scientist and the various roles in which to practice Data Science.

Take Away Notes:

• Describe nursing capacity issues in under-developed countries

• Describe the goals and objectives of the WHO PEN Interventions • Apply the tenets of the WHO PEN interventions to nursing care in their settings


A partner in the Institute of Global Nursing Development, Adele works on international nurse capacity building in communicable/non-communicable diseases. She has extensive and has published.  She contributed to WHO guidelines, testified to the Institute of Medicine and to the White House.  A speaker on international nursing issues, Adele collaborates with WHO as well as the World NCD.  Adele has contributed to nurse capacity building in 47 countries.  Adele received and the Nicholas Andrew Cummings award for Excellence in Interprofessional Practice and is a Fellow in the ICN, the National Academies of Practice and the American Academy of Nursing.
