HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Orlando, Florida, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

3rd Edition of Global Conference on Gynecology & Women's Health

October 27-29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2018

Culture improvement and leadership programme

Speaker at  - Anne-Maria Newham
Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
Title : Culture improvement and leadership programme


In January 2017 the Trust took a bold move to undertake a culture and leadership assessment of the organisation, in order to develop a collective and compassionate leadership strategy. The aim of which was to engage and motivate staff to be the best they can be, so that patient care is positively impacted.

The Trust had been in a period of transition with a significant change in Board members over the last 2 years. This has brought both challenges and opportunities. There was an overall sense by the Trust Board, the latest staff survey (2017) and in the recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) re-inspection which rated the Trust as “good”, that the organisation was progressing and improving; and that there was still further work to do.

The NHSi Culture and Leadership toolkit allows for a detailed below the surface, analysis of what it feels like to work at this Trust (diagnostic phase). This enabled a spot light to be shone on the areas of excellent practice from which we need to learn; and surface some of the practices that are inconsistent with this approach and develop these. By being brave enough to hold the mirror up to ourselves as an organisation we asked ourselves some questions, which at times make for uncomfortable listening. However, it is only by taking this honest approach to our individual and collective leadership that we begin to truly understand, reflect and practice a leadership style that is inclusive and enabling; where staff feel valued, supported and able to contribute their full potential.

The biggest finding overall was the variation that exists within the Trust. This was reflected in the data within 3 broad areas, these were: Visioning and Strategy, Leadership Competency, Resource and Innovation. Within each of these broad themes a number of sub-themes emerged. The findings from the diagnostic phase will be shared, and the development of the design phase to address the issues highlighted by staff.

Audience Take Away:

  • The audience will understand the importance of Culture and Behaviours on patient outcomes.
  • The diagnostics and findings methodology can be applied to any organisation.
  • The link between culture and quality measures are significant such as staff surveys, patient safety measures, recruitment and retention.
  • The open and honest dialogue between staff and an organisations executive team are fundamental to change; this presentation will identify the benefits of such a discourse.


Anne-Maria has worked as a nurse for over 30 years holding several roles including Ward Manager, Neonatal Sister, Children’s Intensive Care Manager, Director of Children’s Community Health Services, Chief Nurse for a Clinical Commissioning Group, and now as Director of Nursing/AHPs and Quality in Lincolnshire. Awarded the Florence Nightingale Leadership award in 2011 and Travel Scholarship in 2014. After receiving the Winston Churchill Fellowship in 2015 undertook a scoping exercise of care in New Zealand. She has published widely in several journals and is currently on the editorial board of the British Journal of Nursing, a Clinical Trustee for a Children’s Hospice, Clinical Trustee for ADHD Solutions and an active Soroptimist.
