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3rd Edition of Global Conference on Gynecology & Women's Health

October 27-29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2017

The effect of motivational interviewing on treatment adherence and insight levels of patients with schizophrenia: A randomized controlled study

Speaker at  - Melike Yonder Ertem
Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey
Title : The effect of motivational interviewing on treatment adherence and insight levels of patients with schizophrenia: A randomized controlled study


Objective: The aim of this study is to examine the effect of motivational interviewing on treatment adherence and insight levels of patients with schizophrenia.

Method: The research was constructed in an experimental fashion as such a randomized controlled trial was utilized. Twenty of the patients comprised the intervention group while the other twenty of the patients comprised the control group. Motivational interviews were carried out on an individual basis in the form of a total of 6 interviews held once in a week with an average of 60 minutes to complete for each session. At the end of the last meeting, the intervention and control groups were post tested to solicit their motivational interviewing program reviews. After the initial posttest, the intervention and control groups underwent two more posttests on the 3rd and 6th month follow-ups.

Results: The posttests, based of Morisky Scale and carried out with the schizophrenic individuals from intervention and control groups following the last motivational interviews in three stages, showed meaningful differences. Respectively, first posttest conducted upon completion of the personal interviews yielded X2 =10.828, p=0.004, 3rd month follow-up yielded X2 =21.933, p<0.001 and 6th month follow-up yielded X2 =22.552, p<0.001.In terms of Insight Scale Total Scores, a meaningful difference was found. Respectively, first posttest conducted upon completion of the personal interviews yielded U=-2.220, p=0.026, 3rd month follow-up yielded U=-2.508, p=0.011 and 6th month follow-up yielded U=-2.953, p=0.002. The patients in the intervention group had significantly higher insight mean scores.

Conclusion: Motivational interview method plays a vital role in establishing treatment collaborations with chronic psychiatric patients, maintaining the continuity of self-care, and the acquisition of healthy lifestyle behaviors at the psychiatry clinics and the community mental health centers.


Melike Ertem was born in Ankara in 12 September 1985. She got her bachelor’s degree at Ege University Nursing Faculty in 2008. After graduation, she started to work at Dokuz Eylul University Hospital Newborn Premature intensive care unit. At the beginning of 2009, she started to work as a research assistant at Bolu Health School at Psychiatric Nursing Programme in Bolu. She completed her master education at Duzce University. She voluntarily counselled psychological at Elder Health Center in Bolu. During this time, she studied with elderly diagnosed cancer, Alzheimer, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, etc. She studied at Europen Union Grundving Life Long Lerning Project which named “Training and Psyco-Social Therapy for Informal Caretakers of Bedridden Disabled Individuals”. After getting postgraduate degree in 2012, she had her PhD degree at Dokuz Eylul University Psychiatric Nursing Department in izmir and completed in 2016. She has been studying motivational interviews with patients diagnosed chronic mental diseases, transactional analysis theory and nursing. She has published papers in reputed journals and oral–poster presentations at conferences.
