HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Orlando, Florida, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

3rd Edition of Global Conference on Gynecology & Women's Health

October 27-29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA

October 27 -29, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
NWC 2017

Global health with emphasis on women and children

Speaker at  - Stephen Ogbonmwan
Gable End Medical Services LTD, United Kingdom
Title : Global health with emphasis on women and children


Definition of Global Health: How does it relate to women and children?

Current Challenging Global Health Issues

UK Government refers to global health as ‘health issues where the determinants circumvent, undermine or are oblivious to the territorial boundaries of states, and are thus beyond the capacity of individual countries to address through domestic institutions. Global health is focussed on people across the whole planet rather than the concerns of particular nations.

Working Definition: Global Health is collaborative trans-national research and action for promoting health for all globally.

Discussion will be based on the following recent internationally agreed global health issues which I will call ‘CURRENT CHALLENGING GLOBAL HEALTH ISSUES’

Ebola’s unprecedented survivors: Never before have there been so many survivors of the Ebola virus.

Post Traumatic Health Disorders: The mental health consequences of war, displacement, Ebola, gender-based violence, natural disasters and other traumas will become more apparent.

Reversing the health workers shortage: According to the World Health Organization, there’s a global shortage of 7.2 million doctors, nurses and midwives. Workforce 2030 was slated for release in 2016.

The danger of Air pollution: A study last year linked air pollution to 6 million deaths per year in China mostly women and children and about 20 percent of all adult male deaths during this decade.

Polio, HIV and Zika Virus: Most devastating diseases of our time – but they’re waning or, in the case of polio, on the verge of eradication. At the same time, Zika virus, Ebola flare-ups and other unexpected threats in 2016,

Climate change: More extreme weather and rising sea levels, temperatures, and carbon dioxide levels could usher in a wide array of human health effects.

The Role of Politics and power shifts: Changes in the White House may determine adverse development policies and funding, and certain public health topics may become highly politicized targets eg reducing funding for reproductive health and family planning in the USA and other donor dependent activities globally.

The enduring wealth gap: Globally, the percentage of people living at or below $1.90 per day dropped from 44 percent in 1981 to 12.7 percent in 2012. Despite this remarkable progress, the wealth gap is growing. A large divide between the haves and have not.

The 59.5 million refugees problem today: That’s more than at any time in human history, even at the end of World War II. The movement of people – not just of those exiting Syria, but of all who are on the move worldwide – has huge implications for health systems around the world.

Human Trafficking, Sex slaves and prostitution: Never has so many women and children been sold and trafficked in the history of mankind since the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade

Maternal mortality, perinatal mortality and resurgence of resistance strain of tuberculosis: The scourge of malaria fever and the discovery of plasmodium falciparum strains resistant to lumefatrine and artemether (coartem) Cancers especially of the female genital tract and childhood cancers. Effect of technological development on human health especially mobile phone on the general health of children.


Dr Stephen E Ogbonmwan is about sixty years old. He is a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist in the United Kingdom with facilities in the UK and Nigeria. His area of interest is reproductive health; screening for gynaecological cancers and intrapartum obstetrics and where he has published several articles sited in PUBMED and referenced on very many occasions. He also runs a blog at edoglobalorganization.org on contemporary issues, good governance and anti-corruption.
